Stephen Fincher Voted Poorly
Patriot Act Extension.
This legislation (S. 990) extended for four years three provisions
of the Patriot Act that were set to expire: the “roving wiretap” provision that
allows the federal government to wiretap any number of a suspect’s
telephone/Internet connections without specifying what they will find or how
many connections will be tapped; the “financial records” provision that allows
the feds to seize “any tangible thing” that has “relevance” to an
investigation; and the “lone wolf” provision that allows spying on non-U.S.
citizens without a warrant. These provisions violate the Fourth Amendment of the
U.S. Constitution, which requires that no warrants be issued “but upon probable
cause” (a much higher standard than “relevance”), and that warrants must
contain language “particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized.” The Patriot Act even allows the FBI to issue
warrants called “National Security Letters” without going to a judge, though
this provision was not set to expire and therefore was not part of this legislation.
The House passed the Patriot Act extension on May 26, 2011 by a vote of 250 to
153 (Roll Call 376). The provisions that were extended, as well as the Patriot
Act as a whole, violate the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.
Stephen Fincher Voted FOR this bill.
Debt Deal.
This legislation (S. 365) provided for an immediate $400 billion
increase in the national debt limit, while allowing the President to raise the
ceiling an additional $500 billion unless Congress passes a resolution of
disapproval. This legislation also established a process for reducing future
cumulative deficit projections by up to $2.4 trillion for fiscal years 2012
through 2021, including the establishment of a supercommittee tasked with
recommending cuts totaling up to $1.5 trillion for the 10-year period. If the
supercommittee were to fail in recommending at least $1.2 trillion in cuts
(and, as we know, the supercommittee failed to recommend any cuts), then the
legislation would trigger automatic cuts totaling up to $1.2 trillion over 10
years. The debt-raising/deficit-cutting package created the appearance that
Congress was doing something to rein in out-of-control spending. But in
reality, the total national debt would still increase even if the entire dollar
amount of cuts called for in the legislation were identified and enacted, since
the cuts are not cuts in the absolute sense but cuts in future budget
projections. The national debt would continue to go up, but not as fast as
before, for the simple reason that cutting (say) $1.2 trillion over 10 years
will not offset projected annual $1 trillion-plus deficits. The House passed S.
365 on August 1, 2011 by a vote of 269 to 161 (Roll Call 690). The debt deal
allows both the national debt and spending to continue their upward
trajectories. Moreover, the budget process established by the legislation is
clearly unconstitutional since no Congress can bind the actions of future
Congresses via the so-called automatic cuts.
Stephen Fincher Voted FOR this bill.
South Korea Trade Agreement.
On a single day — October 12, 2011 — both the House and Senate
approved three separate trade agreements with South
Korea, Colombia,
and Panama.
These measures are three more in a series of “free-trade agreements” intended
to transfer the power to regulate trade (and eventually other powers too) to
super-national arrangements via a step-by-step process. NAFTA is a prime
example of such an arrangement. So is the developing continental government now
known as the European Union, which is an outgrowth of a free-trade arrangement
once called the Common Market. In fact,
the Common Market-EU trajectory to regional governance served as a model for
the formation of NAFTA. The South
Korea agreement, to quote Congressional Quarterly, is
“considered the most economically important trade deal since the 1994 North
American Free Trade Agreement.” For this reason this vote was selected over the
other two (Colombia and Panama) for
inclusion here. The House passed H.R. 3080, the measure to implement the South
Korea trade agreement, on October 12, 2011 by a vote of 278 to 151 (Roll Call
783). Agreements such as this one are intended to transfer trade (and other)
powers to super-national arrangements binding the United States, despite the fact
that under the Constitution only Congress has the power “to regulate commerce
with foreign nations.”
Stephen Fincher Voted FOR this bill.
Omnibus Appropriations.
This catch-all legislative package (H.R. 2055), which would
provide $915 billion in discretionary appropriations for fiscal 2012, is
comprised of nine appropriations bills for fiscal 2012 that Congress failed to
complete separately — Defense ($518.8 billion), Energy-Water ($32.1 billion),
Financial Services ($21.5 billion), Homeland Security ($41.3 billion),
Interior-Environment ($29.2 billion), Labor-HHS-Education ($156.3 billion),
Legislative Branch ($4.3 billion), State-Foreign Operations ($33.5 billion),
and Military Construction-VA ($73.7 billion). The House adopted the final
version of this legislation (known as a conference report) on December 16, 2011
by a vote of 296 to 121 (Roll Call 941). Many of the bill’s spending programs —
e.g., education, housing, foreign aid, etc. — are unconstitutional. Moreover,
passing this mammoth appropriations bill in light of the ongoing
trillion-dollar annual deficits is grossly fiscally irresponsible. Furthermore,
packaging the appropriations bills for so many large federal agencies into one
mega-bill greatly reduces the accountability of the Congressmen to their constituents.
Stephen Fincher Voted FOR this bill.
Line-item Veto.
This bill (H.R. 3521) would allow the President to rescind all or
part of any dollar amount of funding for discretionary spending items in enacted
appropriations bills. Although both houses of Congress would have to approve
any such rescissions, they would be forced to do so very quickly by the bill’s
expedited procedures, including a prohibition on amendments in both Houses and
filibusters in the Senate. This bill dramatically and unilaterally enhances the
power of the executive branch. Note that Article I, Section 1 and Article I,
Section 7, Clauses 2 and 3, of the U.S. Constitution vest Congress with all
legislative powers. Any bill that shifts legislative power away from Congress
and to the President is violating the constitutionally defined separation of
powers for the legislative and executive branches. A similar line-item veto law
was passed when Clinton
was President. That one was found to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
The House passed H.R. 3521 on February 8, 2012 by a vote of 254 to 173 (Roll
Call 46). Providing any form of line-item veto power to the President violates
the Constitution’s separation of powers.
Stephen Fincher Voted FOR this bill.
Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection
Act (CISPA).
This bill (H.R. 3523) would foster information sharing about cyber
threats between the federal government and private businesses. Businesses that
would participate in this sharing would be protected from lawsuits regarding
this sharing of their customers’ private information with the government.
According to Violet Blue in an article posted on on June 8, “Most
people familiar with CISPA believe it will wipe out decades of consumer privacy
protections and is primarily to give the US government unprecedented access
to individuals’ online data and communications.” The House passed H.R. 3523 on
April 26, 2012 by a vote of 248 to 168 (Roll Call 192). The CISPA bill would
permit government access to the private information of citizens, in violation
of the Fourth Amendment “right of the people to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.”
Stephen Fincher Voted FOR this bill.
Indefinite Detention.
Detainee-related language in the National Defense Authorization
Act (H.R. 4310) is so sweeping that American citizens accused of being
terrorists can be detained by the U.S. military and held indefinitely
without habeas corpus and without even being tried and found guilty in a court
of law. Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) offered an amendment to strike this language
from the bill, but the House rejected Smith’s amendment on May 18, 2012 by a
vote of 182 to 238 (Roll Call 270). The War on Terror must not be allowed to
destroy constitutional legal protections, including the issuance of a warrant
based on probable cause (Fourth Amendment) and the right to a trial (Sixth
Stephen Fincher Voted AGAINST this bill.
Stephen Fincher Voted AGAINST this bill.
Afghanistan Withdrawal (Defense Appropriations
During consideration of the Defense appropriations bill for fiscal
2013 (H.R. 5856), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) proposed an amendment to cut
overseas military spending by almost $21 billion. The intent behind the
amendment was to allow enough funding for an orderly withdrawal from the
unpopular war in Afghanistan
but not enough to continue the conflict. According to Rep. Lee, the original
bill includes over $85 billion for the war in Afghanistan. The House rejected
Lee’s amendment on July 18, 2012 by a vote of 107 to 312 (Roll Call 485). The
massive expenditure on undeclared foreign wars and nation building is
unconstitutional and unaffordable.
Stephen Fincher Voted AGAINST this bill
The proposed FISA Amendments Act Reauthorization Act of 2012 (H.R.
5949) would reauthorize for five years, through 2017, the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (FISA), which governs electronic surveillance of foreign
terrorism suspects. The law allows warrantless surveillance of foreign targets
who may be communicating with people in the United States, provided that the
secret FISA court approves surveillance procedures. The House passed H.R. 5949
on September 12, 2012 by a vote of 301 to 118 (Roll Call 569). Warrantless
surveillance is unconstitutional and violates privacy and individual liberty.
While ostensibly carried out only on “foreign suspects” communicating with U.S. citizens, it is difficult to imagine this
surveillance not extending to U.S.
Stephen Fincher Voted FOR this bill.